June 16, 2008


Just a quick update about us. We are currently in Fresno, CA while I, Carrie, am working as a traveling nurse. We will be here through the end of July. Then we will be moving back to Pittsburgh. Steve has been accepted into Pitt dental school class of 2012. We are very excited to be near family again and very proud of Steve's accomplishment. We will be living with family until we find a home.
(sorry fam!)

Travel nursing has been an interesting experience. AS with a lot of things, it hasn't been as great as we thought it would be, but we love Cali with its sunshine and fresh produce. And we miss our friends and co-workers in Provo. I won't be traveling for a while after this trip since Steve will be starting school again. I look forward to being a fulltime mom. I may still work a few days a month, but we'll see. I may even get around to starting a blog!

Steve is a stay at home dad this summer and is great at it. He and Lochlan go on bike rides, to the pool, and hit up local farmers markets. Steve has also planted a tiny garden in our tiny yard. He is always doing some kind of project. Never a dull moment in the Gardner household.

Lochlan is doing great. At 18 months, he is bright, fun, and non-stop. He can identify different parts of his body and his vocabulary is growing daily. He now loves "moobies" (movies), cherries, blueberries, and hot-tubbing. He would watch tv all day if we let him, but we don't. He is learning to catch a ball and throws one very well. He is also learning to swim (kick and go under water). We are just enjoying our little guy so much.

That's about it for right now. We hope you are well. Love you!

Steve, Carrie, and Lochlan
ps: Do The Robot!


Zeke said...

That's awesome, Carrie. Was that the music playing in the background, or did you add the music to the video. What a cute little guy.

Meredith said...

Carrie that is going to be so great to be back home in PA. Keep up the blogging it is the best way to keep in touch!
Love Mer

Shannan said...

Hey guys, just wanted to tell you that we loved having you stay with us. I hope all is going well and that you have found a house. How's your little guy adjusting to the new area? We love you guys and hope to keep in touch. So get going on your blog so we can see what has been happening in the Gardner's life. Good luck!!

Jordan said...

Hey Carrie! It's so good to hear from you! Your little boy Lochlan is sooo cute, not to mention I love his name :) Keep blogging so I can see what you're up to. Congrats on the baby coming in May, too! Keep us posted!